Monday, July 19, 2010

A hankrin' for a good meal

So, if you've ever spent much time in Denver and the surrounding areas you have probably come to the realization that there is A LOT to choose from when it comes to eating. But what's good, what's bad, what's ugly? I intend to set out on a (budgeted) adventure; trying new things, trying old things, but above all, trying to help you find a good place to eat.
The fare I will be testing will be limited only due to price (I do, after all, only make minimum wage)and my health (if the restaurant looks deadly from the outside, I probably wont try it).
If you know of anywhere I should try let me know and I'll try to include it.
Now, I must prepare for my first ever test as a restaurant "critic."
Until then, may the forks be with you!